Upcoming Events

June 21, 8:30 AM.  Monthly ASAP Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Corporation.  Boyle County Health Department, 448 S. 3rd St., Danville.

July 19, 9 AM to 3 PM.  Expungement Clinic, Spero Health, 106 Belinda Drive, Danville.  To preregister, email [email protected].

July 26, 8:30 AM, Monthly ASAP Meeting, Boyle County Health Department, 448 S. 3rd St., Danville

August 23, 8:30 AM. Monthly ASAP Meeting, Boyle County Health Department, 448 S. 3rd St., Danville

August 29, 4 PM to 8 PM.  Expungement Clinic and Overdose Awareness Event, Boyle County Extension Office, 99 Corporate Drive, Danville

Welcome to the Boyle County Agency Substance Abuse Policy Website

Boyle County was named the first Kentucky “Recovery Ready Community” in May, 2023. For more info on Recovery Ready Communities, go to: www.rrcky.org.

Recovery Ready Community Team Kentucky Logo

The Boyle County Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (ASAP) has been funded by Kentucky ASAP, Frankfort, Kentucky, through Tobacco Settlement dollars, since 2000. Boyle County ASAP meets the fourth Friday of each month, at 8:30 AM. at the Boyle County Health Department, unless otherwise scheduled.  The community coalition includes community volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds, and welcomes visitors and new members to all meetings.

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night time downtown danville

