The Hope Network is a religious collaboration in Boyle County committed to fighting substance abuse in the community through celebrate recovery meetings and assistance for individuals recovering from substance abuse disorder and who have been released from jail.
Alcoholics Anonymous Grapevine is the International Journal for Alcoholics Anonymous, with content provided by members of AA. This site provides a support forum, subscription services to the online and print journal, and stories of recovery.
Alcohol Answers is a site provided by the National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment. This site provides information on treatment medications, effects of alcohol abuse, locating treatment, online support forums, and downloadable materials.
American in Recovery is a free website that links employers with job seekers who may have a disability, are in recovery, have a prior criminal record, or are older individuals. America in Recovery offers these individuals a chance to find a job and be productive again, helping to build their self worth.
Faces & Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) is a national, non-profit organization that works to change public perceptions of recovery, promote effective public policy, and demonstrate that recovery works. This site provides current news, personal stories, recovery resources, and a number of free publications.
The Legal Action Center is a non-profit law and policy organization that works to address discrimination against people with addiction, HIV/AIDS, or criminal records, and to advocate for appropriate public policies. This site provides current news, free publications, free webinars, and legal assistance resources.
The SAMHSA Partners for Recovery Initiative provides technical assistance and support to aid in improving the system of care for individuals with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders. This website provides free resources and information on current projects in different states that are addressing focus areas such as workforce development and reducing stigma.
Sober 24 is an online service provided by the Hazelden Foundation. This site provides an online support forum, live chat and meetings, and recovery tools. To access the site you do have to become a member, but it is free and protects your anonymity.